

  Welcome back to my blog!  It has been an exciting journey since I started dropping content on this blog, and I'm so glad to have every one of you here. The support and encouragement I have received from all of you is truly humbling.    I have exciting news kicking off this week — I'm writing more content to bring together women from all backgrounds to celebrate our successes, help each other through difficult times, and seek strength and support from one another. I'm looking forward to all the fantastic conversations and activities that will follow.    As always, I am open to feedback and suggestions for content you want to see on this blog. I'm here for you every step of the way!   Thank you for being part of my journey, and I can't wait to start the conversation with you. 


When was the last time you saw a #5 note? Either you were given as a change, or yosaw it elsewhere. The truth is Five naira is now a scarce currency which is of no value and relevance unlike in time past.  Next content tomorrow  What am I saying? You are created for a purpose; to be relevant in your generation. You can only be relevant when you add value to people’s life and if you can’t maintain the value, you will become irrelevant like the five naira note.  How can you maintain your relevance? Maintaining your relevance starts from your inner mind; it’ starts from you. who are you? What’s your perspective about life. If you see things in the positive way, believe me, life will be interesting. Secondly, your social circle determines your relevancy in life. If you aspire to become great, you move with likeminded people. If your social circle is not helping you move forward, drop them this year. Also your contributions towards your society. Don’t be a bench warmer. Contri...


 Ladies are increasingly sought out and encouraged to speak out. No matter the challenges you might have faced, or you are facing, the best thing is to open up to people who can help your situation.  Rare Ladies established by Phebe offers a simple, sociable and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. We also offer listening ears to ladies out there and ensure they are monitored, checked upon and taken care of. “A conversation with Phebe” will be a platform to listen to new ladies. It will be a discussion on “DEALING WITH DEPRESSION” with just 4-6 participants on a video conference call and we will be handling issues confidentially.  Stay tuned to get the update for the Conversation. It's a FREE session but it's available for Early birds.  Kindly register through this link 👎👎


  Do you want to make a difference? Where do you imagine you will be in five years to come? Do you think you are making an impact in your career, home, and the world entirely? The impact is a word you love to hear. Nobody wants to live a life of no effect. But you can't achieve this if you don't have a specific goal. This article will enlighten your mind and bring out the best in you, and you will be convinced that a goal is a valuable tool to make a difference in the world. 1. A goal is a Roadmap. It gives you directions; when you have no idea of your destination, you waste your time on irrelevant matters. Set goals that are specific to your destination. 2. Goals allow you to measure your progress. Setting goals is so crucial to your life. It helps you to know if you are moving or stationary. When you set goals, it allows you to evaluate your achievements. For example, if you plan to get more insights on a relationship and you set a goal to read five books relating to it with...

4 Reasons Ladies Have Low Self-Esteem

  This is for the ladies. In my 22 years back, I have experienced many things about ladies especially about their development and upbringing. I  have always wondered why ladies have low self-esteem? They have forgotten their formation; they were made.  This is an article to show you as a lady that you are special and you should never settle for less. If you are asked to describe yourself in three sentences what will be your response? Will it be positive or negative? Self-esteem is the way you perceive yourself. If you have a high self-esteem, you will be comfortable with your true self and you will be happy with life. Even with your high self-esteem, people tends to give you respect and moving forward in life will be easier for you. If you have a low self-esteem, you will give up easily because you have the fear of not being accepted. Here are four reasons why ladies have low self-esteem. • Self-Doubt When you don't believe in yourself, your skills and knowledge, you tend...


 Self-Esteem is your opinion you have about yourself and your abilities. It reflects your overall evaluation of your worth. It is also your perceptions about who you are, your strengths, capacity and weaknesses.  It can be high or low.  If you have a high self esteem, you will feel positive about yourself, believe in your vision and dreams, you can recognise your weaknesses and fix them and you are able to cope with pressing life issues.  If you have a low self-esteem, you are more open to setbacks, suicidal thoughts, it will be difficult to believe in yourself and also cope with life challenges. Self-Esteem speaks a lot about you and give people more impression about you, either positive or negative.


 Your seed is your responsibility. God gave you a seed and he expects a forest in return. Here are the three keys to help grow your seed •Discovery •Decision Making •Determination


 Welcome to my blog I'm delighted to have you Stay tuned